Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Oliver Update.
Church Flowers.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Last Minute Gift Idea.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
Newly discovered blogs.
Friday, 14 November 2008

It has been brought to my attention that there is also a Sung Requiem for the cardinal at the Birmingham Oratory at 7.30pm.
There are a number of Masses organised for this evening for the cardinal details to be found on the LMS website. I specifically mentioned the Magdalen one because Cardinal Reginald Pole was a member of the college for a number of years and took his B.A. there.

Now before any of you chicken lovers gets upset I should say that I am very concerned for animal welfare and appalled at what we do to God's creatures in the name of cheap food. I like eating chicken but will only buy proper free range birds. It is therefor an occasional treat rather than a staple. I buy a whole bird and joint it myself, ( this takes 5mins) and this will do for several days and the bits and bobs make divine stock. It's the only way to go where chickens are concerned.
Cartoons via Fr. Z.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Cats and Nuns.

There are lots of photographs of cats, cats and even more cats....
That one is a world champion.
Ahh, yes life really is better with cats....even a very Badcat.
Ear twitch to Orbis Catholicvs.
The cats are here...
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
What are churches for?

Not everyone thought it was a bad idea to cut back the notices and it is not exactly splitting the congregation down the middle, but I just thought it brought to the surface some very interesting conceptions of what the church was for.
To me the church is where I come to worship God and participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and also the place where we are privileged to have the Blessed Sacrament reserved in a sanctuary of peace and calm, where one can go to pray quietly.
But it seems to me that we have replaced those things that were thought of as traditionally Catholic, processions, devotions, exposition, stations of the cross, confraternities, etc with an endless succession of good causes, social justice issues and environmental campaigns. Having jettisoned those things which made us feel good about the state of our souls it seems we still need ways of appeasing our consciences.
Just me rambling really
Monday, 27 October 2008
A Riposte to Dr. Dawkins.
Oxford Martyrs.

The Mass was exceedingly beautiful and was probably the first Solemn High Mass to be offered in Blackfriars since the liturgical changes. It was also exceptionally well attended. I arrived at 10.20am for an 11.00 start. The church was already half full. By 10.45 am they were putting out the plastic chairs and even then at least 30 had to stand. It was very notable that there were many young people and a wide spread of social and ethnic backgrounds. The Mass setting was Victoria's Missa trahe me post te and we had Tallis' Salvador Mundi, sacerdotes Domini by Palestrina and a polyphonic Salve Regina also by Victoria. This and the proper was sung by a choir called Cantores Missae, which was apparently drawn from several professional choirs. In terms of the rubrics not everything was perfect. That pesky gospel procession went wrong, ( as it did at the Cardinal's Mass at Westminster), on a number of occasions both deacon and subdeacon did things at the wrong time, and the servers left the sanctuary during the singing of the Salve. I'm not sure anyone really minded; it was such a special and moving occasion. We all knew why we were there.

The Mass was followed by a procession to the site of the martyrdom where a plaque was blessed by Bishop Kenney, who had earlier given a quite hard hitting homily at Mass which it would be unfair of my to try and paraphrase. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was given back at Blackfriars.
I did not stay for the procession or benediction. Parking in Oxford is HORRIBLE! Having got a parking ticket for being three, (3!), minutes late on a recent occasion, I wanted to take no chances. On arrival in Oxford I went to the underground car park beneath the bus station, five minutes walk from Blackfriars. It charged more than £3 an hour, the machines accepted only coins and you could not pay with a card. Back to St. Giles' where it is 2Hrs no return, I thought I remembered it was three. The streets of Oxford are patrolled by literally swarms of traffic demons issuing tickets at the slightest opportunity. After Mass having tried to move the car, not finding a space, and ending up a a maze of one way streets I gave up and went home.
Christmas is coming....

Saturday, 18 October 2008
By Way of Contrast.
A Sight to Gladden the Heart.
That's the FSSP anniversary celebrations in Rome BTW.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008