Tuesday 17 June 2008

The Cardinal's Address to the LMS.

The full text of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos' address to the A.G.M. of the Latin Mass Society which preceded the Mass on Saturday last is now to be found here http://thenewliturgicalmovement.blogspot.com/.

Again, as at the Mass, I am struck by the candour and honesty. This man knows exactly what the situation is and gives the lie to those who say that London is outside of the orbit of Rome. Every word is heartwarming sense. Again I am very strongly struck with the fact that this man is a true pastor of souls.

It leaves one with a very strong impression that a plan is being deliberately and carefully set in motion to put things right. He refers to it as delicate work.

From my point of view there is no sense in suddenly mandating that Mass be said Ad Orientem or in Latin or according to the Extraordinary Form. Over and over I have come across commentators on the internet suggesting, demanding even, that this be done. How many good Catholics would this alienate?

(There is probably something in the fact that the Holy Father himself has lived through and indeed experienced two catastrophic tumults in his life, WWII and the aftermath of VII. We know that at the time of the council he was a reformer, and can only speculate the ways in which his views have changed since. His sharp observance of the effects of those changes and how they were put in place would seem to have made him very careful of repeating history.)

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